Editorial Policy & Content Usage Guidelines
At LiquidatorsUK, we take great pride in the high quality and accuracy of the content we publish on our website. All content is produced internally by our team of insolvency experts and professionals to ensure that we maintain the highest standards and consistency across all content.
We do not accept content submissions from third parties, as this could compromise the quality and accuracy of our content. Our aim is to provide the most comprehensive, well-structured, and easily understandable information on debt and insolvency matters on the web.
When applicable, we provide links to primary sources such as HMRC’s own website, Acts of the UK Parliament, and other authoritative sources to ensure the accuracy of our content.
What Re10 (Finance) Limited t/a LiquidatorsUK Content Can You Use? And How?
We welcome you to share links to any of our content through email and social media. You are also free to republish in full any LiquidatorsUK original images such as charts, graphs, infographics, videos, or SlideShares by copying or embedding them and including them in your content, as long as you honor our Content Attribution Policy below. Please note that this does not include any stock images we’ve purchased for use in our content.
Unfortunately, we cannot let you republish in full any of our text-based content on the web. This is because duplicate content can harm SEO and is not appreciated by search engines such as Google.
You cannot claim our content as your own original ideas. We appreciate your desire to share our content, but please only share the original link instead.
Content Attribution Policy
If you reference our content in your own work, please attribute Re10 (Finance) Limited t/a LiquidatorsUK as the source and provide a link to the original source.
For references to a Re10 (Finance) Limited t/a LiquidatorsUK page or blog article, please link to the URL of the specific page or blog article you’re referencing.
Thank you for your cooperation in honouring our Editorial Policy & Content Usage Guidelines.